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Veronica Hunter

"Through Hypnotherapy and Past Life work, I was able to overcome my fear of dental work. I also gained a new perspective and understanding of the deeper roots of my fears and anxieties, and achieved healing and empowerment as a result of this work.

Veronica is a gifted therapist who uses her intuition with gentleness and calmness, to make the experience as peaceful as possible. "

Dr. LY.

"Thanks Veronica, for helping face such difficult events in my life and helping me overcome them. Your sessions have been a turning point in my life."

Veronica has always had passion to help others and in her journey has studied many healing techniques. 


She has an amazing sensiblity to tune into the needs of each person

and has the ability to adapt her knowledge to suit the needs of each individual.


Why are we here?


Where did we come from?


Who are we?


What happens after we die?


These are questions that have been examined by humanity over time and yet we still ask the same questions. The good news is that we are living in a VERY EXCITING time! The truth is starting to be known to us through different channels. It's all a matter of "seek and you shall find", ''ask and you shall receive".



When I was 11 years old, I realized that the religion I was growing up under, lacked integrity.


At 14, while being berated about looking and seeking another religion, if the one I had been born into did not suffice, I received a vision in my mind's eye. It was of a hill, with pathways going through and crisscrossing each other, all headed towards the summit. The understanding I received was that where ever the paths crossed we were to be of assistance to each other.


I found great relief to the mysteries of life at 15 when I read 'Life After Life' by Dr. Raymond Moody. Interestingly, my mother is the person who turned me on to this book. Written by a physician who was very careful to document the experiences of people who were 'clinically' dead (no heartbeat or brain waves) and who after being resuscitated told of their experiences while 'dead'.


At 27, while still in the delivery room, just after the birth of my son, I had an out of body experience (OBE)- It was so profound that I still look back on it today and find additional meaning to it. I have always been fascinated with the 'other' realms that we are not privy to in this life of 'density and limitation' (as Bashar calls it).


In my late 30's, when my daughter was about 4 years old she came to me one day in the kitchen and stated " Mama, I chose you guys". When I asked what she meant by that, she replied that before she was born she had come down and seen me, my ex-husband and her brother and chose us! I replied something along the lines of, "Thank you for choosing us". Then she went back into her bedroom. During a SDSU course called Psychology and Religion I had learned that there are spiritual stages we go through and not to ever doubt a little person when they verbalize experiences under the age of 6. Just to confirm that this in fact was her own experience, I went to her room and asked her where she had heard that story.

She said: "What story Mama?"

I said: "The story you just told me about choosing us".

She said: "That was wasn't a story Mama".

I said: "How did you know that?

She said: " I just been knowing it, Mama".

(FYI: She does not remember this at all.)

About 12 years later, while listening to Wayne Dyer, he mentioned children choosing their parents, and it was then that the exchange with my daughter years earlier came back to me!


At 49 years old, I started experiencing a great deal of lower back pain ( for the third time). This was a scary time for me because I could only walk slowly and gingerly on the balls of my feet. I had always wanted to parachute out of a plane and at this point I could only imagine myself in a wheelchair. After working with several healing modalities, there were a series of synchronistic events that over the course of a year, that led me to Reconnective Healing. One week after receiving my first session I was trotting and felt as though I was flying!!!  In October of 2010 I received my training as a Reconnective Healing Practitioner and in June of 2012 (at 53)- I parachuted out of a plane- It was a dream come true!!!


In 2016 I received my diplomas in both Hypnotherapy and Regression Therapy.

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